Easy and intelligent warehouse management
Is Rackbeat relevant to my business? Automatic stock management is relevant for all companies that buy and sell goods as well as companies that buy goods or materials they need in their work, e.g. craftsmen, and a good solution for you who want to streamline manual processes and save time on unnecessary administration.
With Rackbeat you get, among other things:
- Full overview of your current inventory
- Overview of purchased goods and actual consumption
- Overview of material consumption on individual cases
- Possibility of stock status for each individual wagon
- Option to count your stock by item number and/or barcode
Pay only for what you need With Rackbeat, you can access your inventory in real-time from any device, and add new users or purchase extra functions for the system when the need arises. In this way, you avoid paying for functionality you do not need.
Thorough onboarding and free support As a customer, you are offered a thorough onboarding process with customized setup, import of data, integration with your other applications, training, and free Danish support.